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Register for the Fall 2024 Semester Now!

Read on to learn more about all available courses, or jump to the registration page if you've already know what course you want to take!

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Here to take your FIRST course to earn the CCLP designation?

Get started with the first required logistics course, Transportation Systems.

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Looking for key dates for the immediate and future semesters?

Check out the course calendar & key dates page for course start & exam dates as well as registration deadlines

See Key Dates

Required Logistics Courses

3/3 Required

First Course

Transportation Systems

Gain a complete operational understanding of all transportation modes, intermodalism, and supporting services.

Second Course

Logistics Processes

Connect multi-modal transportation to the wider supply chain function and its many, interlocking components.

Capstone Course

Integrated Logistics

A senior-level course that explores how integration is crucial to sound logistics operations within successful organizations

Elective Logistics Courses

2/3 Required

Economic Influences on Logistics

Learn to relate economic forces to costing, pricing and operating logistics operations

Transportation Law

Get precedent-rich insight into how legal and commercial accountabilities are judged in transportation.

Logistics Decision Modelling

Learn to use modeling to analyze a variety of commercial inputs and understand the impact of different scenarios

General Business Courses

0-5 Required*

Choose from general business courses offered by CITT directly, or in partnership with the world-class University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies. 

*Already have business credentials? You may be eligible for course credits to fast track your studies!  Learn More


Business Development & Selling Skills

Improve the entire sales cycle of a business, from networking through to creating contracts


Negotiation Strategies for Supply Chain Professionals

Learn hands-on, practical skills to maximize value in negotiations – including technical and soft skills


Strategic Purchasing for Supply Chain Professionals

Gives purchasers of transportation and related services the knowledge to generate value across the entire buying process.

U of T SCC

Accounting: The Fundamentals

Learn the basics of financial accounting as they can be applied in nearly every business.

U of T SCC

Business Law

Learn the fundamentals of law in Canada, before an in-depth review of the important legal issues of running a business and completing transactions.

U of T SCC

Business Management

Learn the primary management disciplines used by successful business managers around the world.

U of T SCC

Business Strategy

Learn to put essential business management principles into practice to formulate business strategy.

U of T SCC

Business Writing

Learn the fundamentals of business writing, including proposals, persuasive business plans, cases, presentations and more.

U of T SCC

Financial Management

Learn how and why finance impacts the development of an effective business strategy and the processes that result in sound financial decisions.

U of T SCC

Foundations of Risk Management

Learn the basics of the principles of the risk management process and other important financial risks such as capital investment and liquidity

U of T SCC

Introductory Economics

Learn both micro- and macro-economic models and look at the role of individual consumers, firms, and industries within the larger economic system.

U of T SCC

Marketing: An Introduction

Learn the foundations of marketing theory and how to apply it practically to advance a company’s business goals.

U of T SCC

Organizational Behaviour

Learn current theories about management, organization structures and the factors that influence behavior in organizations.